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Candlelight Club Goes Virtual

On April 22nd, The Social Concierge wants to bring you together. And give back in a way that we feel is appropriate.

At its inception, The Social Concierge was created to encourage and produce cultural experiences that make our city more vibrant; the current global circumstances have only challenged and inspired our team to find creative ways to support the love we have for our family and friends. So, in the spirit of camaraderie, creativity and community they have created an endeavour they hope will help, if only slightly. 

This event is virtually interactive, easy to enjoy, free-to-attend, not-for-profit, and raises money for both charity and local restaurants who need our help. And to celebrate #EarthDay50, your participation will also be carbon negative, an added bonus. 

With that, we carefully step out of our quarantine cocoon, respectful of the ongoing adversity, to try and use our community building to keep bonds strong. Please join us in supporting our colleagues, partners and our attempt to create an evening to remember, celebrate and reconnect as one with the resurgence of one of our favourite events, Candlelight Club – let's shine the light. 

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and to bring us together in a time of social distance, we revive a perennial favourite from years past. Of course, with a virtual twist. 

After more than a month in quarantine, have you had a romantic candlelight dinner party yet? We feel it’s time to glowingly unite, intimately virtual. Join hundreds of others in a participatory social experience.  

On Earth Day 2020, April 22nd, from the comforts of our homes, we aim to create the largest virtual candlelight dinner our city has ever experienced. Connect to our 5-hour live stream of entertainment, join our dinner dialogue thread, "cloud cocktail tables" and let us celebrate how great it is to be together, while apart. 

Learn how to attend.