Tech to Offset the ‘Quarantine 15’

Two-time Olympic swimmer and Director of Strategic Partnerships at FORM, Scott Dickens, puts together his personal tips on how to get the best workout in self-isolation with the help of technology.

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Technology has given us this unprecedented ability to maximize our workout routines, keep us on track and help us better ourselves as athletes. While we are in self-isolation, tech can also be incredibly helpful to keep us motivated, guide us through workouts and let us burn off some extra steam in the living room.  

At FORM, we make wearable technology for swimming, more specifically smart goggles that display metrics in real-time while you swim. So it’s safe to say that we’re a little obsessed with how we can use technology to have a more intentional workout. 

Fitness Trackers

When I am training in the pool, I use FORM Smart Swim Goggles to help me maximize my workout. At home in self-isolation, I rely on my smartwatch to remind me how much I’ve moved, and to track key metrics such as heart rate when working out later in the day. 

Apps and videos

There are so many great free resources out there to help you get your sweat on in the family room. I use apps like Freelytics to help plan my bodyweight routine, and use YouTube for free yoga classes.

Online challenges

I’m sure we’ve all seen the pushup challenge floating around social media. Social media fitness challenges are great, as they encourage us to stay connected and motivate each other through a time where it’s really easy to be unmotivated. If social media isn’t your thing, make your own fitness challenge and send it directly to a friend.

Video calls

These aren’t just for the office anymore. I’ve set up a schedule and online leaderboard, so my friends and family can work out together and track our progress. This is also a great way to have a regular touch base (while keeping fit) with your friends and family while in self-isolation. 


I find myself not moving as much being inside, and so I’ve set up a timer as a reminder to get up every once and a while and move around. Periodically throughout the day, a timer will go off on my phone and I make sure I get up and be active. 

Being at home in self-isolation forces us to get creative with our workouts. The benefits of technology is that it allows you to switch up your workout routine, stay accountable to your workouts, and best of all, stay connected while getting fit.


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